Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I like being domestic. The other day I saw this tutorial:

So I went home and made some (minus the headband part). It took like 2 minutes and I am now in love with them. Many of you may be getting them as gifts...

Then I saw this:

and it cracked me up.

One day I will be that day.

(don't forget to take my new poll...)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cast your Votes!

I really like the "polls" gadget. I think I want to do polls often...

so check em out!!

P.S. the current poll closes on August 9, 2010 (8/9/10) awesome!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shout out to Mom's!


(this is slang: 1. an exclamation of greeting. 2. an exclamtion used to show excitement or enthusiasm....for those who may not know)

This post is just a SHOUT OUT to MOM's...because lets be honest - THEY ARE AMAZING!

go to this site:

and find Jane Clayson Johnson and watch it. Love it!

I think there should be one day a week where all mom's get a nap. Babysitting is free and you just get to sleep - for however long you want. (Can this be instated before I reach motherhood please??)

Keep up the good work all!!