Monday, May 4, 2009

The bitter-sweet hour

I love lunch. I love eating my lunch. I love not having to work for an hour. I love to reach my scriptures, check blogs, go outside, read e-mails, sleep - whatever it may be. I love it.

It is also the saddest hour of the day. The moment it begins, it is almost over. I am so sad when my lunch is gone...that last bite of cheese, or last spoonful of yogurt and granola/fruit. Alas...
Why can't we have a mini lunch break at the end of every hour. That would be great. One bite now, one bite later, one bite now, one bite later...then you could eat all day and relish the moment over and over...

10 more minutes....

1 comment:

Emily said...

Maybe that is why I would wrap my fruit roll-up around my finger in elementary school--to keep that lunch yumminess a little longer. Or just my weirdness (: